So after picking a few bits from different kits, I came up with the idea of a puritan inquisitor band. The idea between us is to build and paint each a band in the Inq28/Inquisimunda/Grimdark vibe to later play a campaign. I was given the opportunity to do exactly that by the friendly folks at my friendly local gaming shop. That's why I sometimes try to do at least. Sometimes you just need to step aside and consider things from another angle.

Again - if you want to keep up please follow me on Take care and stay safe! that's it for now! I'll be back in another few months. The Necrons are test-paints - still haven't quite landed on a scheme for them, but I do like the one with the red lights. The assault marines (whom I love) are of course painted up as Metatron marines. What could it be? Well, it turned out those previously mentioned fine people at Warhammer Community had sent me nothing less than the brand new 9th edition 40k box! Here's what I've done with it so far. II- And finally, a few weeks ago, out of nowhere, I got a very large and heavy box in the mail. I added wings as that just helped sell the model as a daemon, and distance it from the original nighthaunt model. Inspired by the 28 MAG Mhorrigot competition, I finally, after years and years, completed an actual Mhorrigotii-daemon. II- After the Inquisition I made a 180 and turned to Chaos. I just love doing these - I'm aiming for a small, patrol size army.

II- Then there were a bunch of new Deathwatch models. A set which the nice people at Warhammer Community kindly sent me. To begin with I did a few more sisters, including a Shield-maiden converted from the awesome Triumf of Saint Katherine set. Anyway, to get this blog up to date, I thought I'd just make a big ol' dump post with all the stuff I've been working on. If you want to keep track of what I'm doing I'd recommend following me on the instagrams, as I actually update that account pretty frequently.

So I as usual it's been kinda quiet on this here blog for the last couple of months.